What's New? |
January 2025 Payment |
| January 2025 Payment
25-1-4 to 1-5 (Bill date of 25-1-8) have been paid by Zelle if you have Zelle on 1/11 - payment is im... |
State Tournament Assigning Protocol |
| State Cup TournamentProtocol
State Cup Tournament Assigning is done manually upon referee request. If you are the center official, please commun... |
Hypothermia! |
Please read!!!
This is important for a referee to know-YOU are responsible for the player's safety while they a... |
Update 2025 Profile |
| Update Profile 2024
The TRIAS site will sync automatically with the SRC website but it takes multiple attempts before it does this automatically so if you... |
2025 Recertification |
| 2025 Recertification
ATTENTION: To All Recertifying Referees
Referees, the 2025 Recertification exams are now available online for all referee grades (except ... |
Referee Cold Weather Wear |
| Referee Cold Weather
Long, black or USSF warm-ups are encouraged. NO team information on either jacket or pants. Black beanie caps, warm blac... |
2024/2025 Law Changes - MUST Reads |
| 2024/2025 Law Changes - MUST Reads
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://downloads... |
Payment Policy |
| Payment Policy
All referees must submit their match and misconduct reports within 48 hours (by Tuesday night). If a referee has not submitted their report (s),... |
Zelle New Payment |
| Zelle Payments
We want all of you to be paid as soon as possible and as safely as possible. TRIAS added Zelle as the preferred payment method last year. Zelle is the preferred payment method of Trias. Payments made with Zelle will appear in your bank account immediately, are safe and are easy for you and for TRIAS. Checks or online deposits can take up to 6 weeks before you see the funds in your account. By switching to Zelle it allows us to remove your banking information from TRIAS which is the best argument for switching to Zelle.
Zelle Setup Instructions
• Contact your bank or credit union and set up Zelle on the account you want your referee payments to go to. It is an easy and quick process. You can choose a cell phone number or an email address to connect with Zelle. It's possible to do this with your banking app on your phone.
• Most major banks and credit unions are using Zelle, and even a lot of smaller banks too.
• List of banks/credit unions that use Zelle: https://www.zellepay.com/get-started?gclid=Cj0KCQjwxuCnBhDLARIsAB-cq1oEaPs-3IrGOCqMMCrryQPJx8FheQFmvfvNSrgsgD16uto-2eYsoLcaAgsqEALw_wcB
• If your bank uses Zelle, then you DO NOT need to download the Zelle app or register with Zelle. By using your banking app or logging into your bank account you can register with Zelle through your bank.
• However, if your bank or credit union does not use Zelle then you'll need to download the Zelle app to use your phone, or Register online with Zelle to use your computer.
• If using your Phone - Zelle app download https://www.google.com/searchq=zelle+app+download&oq=Zelle+app&aqs=chrome.1.0i131i433i512j0i433i512j0i512l7j0i433i512.15689j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
• If using your computer - Zelle registration:https://www.google.com/search?q=zelle+app+registration&ei=gTYuY_GkBZjYptQP9P-vsAE&oq=zelle+app+register&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYATIFCAAQgAQyBggAEB4QFjIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6BwgAELADEEM6DQgAEOQCENYEELADGAE6EgguEMcBENEDEMgDELADEEMYAjoFCAAQkQJKBAhBGABKBAhGGAFQtQhYpBJgziNoAXABeACAAVyIAfQEkgEBOJgBAKABAcgBEsABAdoBBggBEAEYCdoBBggCEAEYCA&sclient=gws-wiz
1. Log into TRIAS, go to Services--Profile, click on the Preferences tab, and enter the phone number or email address you chose to associate your bank with Zelle into the "Zelle" field.
2. Match Reports MUST be submitted no later than Tuesday at 6pm PMT, but we prefer to have them submitted the same day as the match. Payments will not be sent out until the Match Report is submitted.
3. If you can't or don't want to be paid with Zelle, don't enter anything into the Zelle field, and you will be paid by US Bank ACH Deposit - Singlepoint. It is not timely and requires your bank account information be stored on TRIAS in the preferences tab of your profile. TRIAS would like to remove your banking data as a precaution.
4. MINORS ONLY (17 years old or younger). Washington State Law requires parents or legal guardians to co-sign bank accounts for minors. Payments from TRIAS must be made out to the referee. Therefore, the bank account linked with Zelle must have the referee's name on it. Parents/Guardians please create a bank account for your minor, if you have not done so already. Most banks allow you to create a free companion account that can be connected to your main account.
6. As a reminder, reffing through TRIAS has several advantages:
• Matches are paid weekly, whereas other referee chapters pay monthly or bi-monthly
• The clubs within TRIAS (West Seattle, HSC, HSA Select, HPFC, Southlake and Puma's) pay the referee assignor/chapter/administration fees, so you get the whole amount listed under Services-Fees. Other referee chapters take out a good chunk (between 5-10%) of your fee for the assignor/chapter fees - only TRIAS gives you the whole referee fee amount. Thank you to TRIAS clients who pay this fee for you! Also a big shout-out to TRIAS assignors, who assign without any pay deducted from the referees or charged to the clients - another way all the referee fee goes to the referee. Trias assignors are volunteers; here to help you and serve the game.
• Referee pay amounts per age group are among the highest fees paid to refs of all the local referee chapters
• You have hands-on assignors/mentors willing to help with whatever you need
Trias Administrator, Assignor, Instructor, Referee, and Mentor
Adrian Lee: HPFC Assignor, hpfc.fields@gmail.com
Rich Turner: Renton Assignor, RichardHTurner@msn.com
Tim McMonigle: West Seattle Assignor, timpatmc@gmail.com |
Educational Resources |
| Educational Resources
Educational resources of MLS games. Below are perspectives from Pro and a player's perspective of Referee decisions, mixed in with some law... |
Rules of Competition urls |
| Rules of Competition URLS
RCL Rules of Competition:
https://washingtonyouthsoccer.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/RCL-Rules-and-Regulat... |
Welcome to the TriasSoccerCentral Site on Monday, January 20th, 2025. We provide USSF Referee services to the Greater Renton, and Highline Soccer Associations in the general vicinity of Renton, Washington in the NorthWest corner of the continental United States. If you'd like a little more background information about us, check out the Information segment of our Site.
Navigation around and about our website is done by clicking on any of the active hyperlinks that look like this, the active graphical elements you'll find distributed throughout the site, or via the Table of Contents which appears at the left edge of virtually all the website pages. It is also possible to return to this home page at any time by clicking on our Logo in the upper left corner of any of the site's pages.
If you are a current TriasSoccerCentral participant, you can logon to the site by identifying yourself on our Logon page. Once successfully logged on, you'll be able to interact with www.TriasSoccerCentral.org and obtain access to the information that is appropriate for your involvement with our efforts.
We hope that you are successful at locating the information you are seeking here on our site or wherever your travels through the World Wide Web may take you.
In the mean time:
We hope to see you on the pitch this weekend!